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From the Chief Executive Officer: A Match Like No Other

By: Mike Sheppard, CPA, CAE | Posted on: 01 Apr 2021

Imagine going through your last year of medical school during a global pandemic. For many students, the abrupt shift to remote learning in response to the coronavirus outbreak has required flexibility, creativity and perseverance. Challenges are nothing new to students pursuing a career in medicine, but this year was one for the record books in many ways–especially on Urology Residency Match Day.

This year’s Urology Match was another paramount year for females applying for, and matching, with urology programs, as a record-setting 120 of the 141 female participants (85%) matched with programs, compared to 105 of the 122 who matched last year. Urology has had the highest rate of growth in female residents compared with other surgical fields and the rate of women matching into urology remains high.

Minority residency recruitment continues to be an area of great potential and growth opportunities. Based on applicant input, more than 200 Asian; Black or African American; Hispanic or Latino; and Native American applicants took part in this year’s Match, with more than 140 matching to a program. According to a study in The Journal of Urology® titled “Examining Trends in Underrepresented Minorities in Urology Residency,” “Minority physicians have been shown to provide culturally competent care, improve patient satisfaction when caring for minority populations, and, on average, practice in areas that reflect higher percentages of patients of their own ethnicity. Preliminary national initiatives, for example the Diverse Surgeons Initiative (DSI), have proved promising in providing minority surgeons the clinical knowledge and minimally invasive surgical skills to excel in residency and eventually in the surgical practice of diverse communities.” Collaborative diversity and inclusion efforts across the urologic community can help provide a multifaceted pipeline and workforce for years to come.

The Urology Residency Match has long been recognized as one of the most competitive application processes within the field of medicine. Nearly 528 applicants wishing to specialize in urology registered for this year’s Urology Residency Match. Of those who registered, 481 (91%) submitted preference lists, vying for a record 357 available positions across the country. When the matching algorithm was processed, 74% matched to a vacancy within 143 registered and accredited training programs in the United States, leaving no vacancies unmatched.

After all the online classes, the virtual interviews with urology programs at schools across the county and the stress of daily living during a health crisis, the AUA commends these resilient young doctors. We can’t wait to see what they will accomplish in the field of urology in years to come.

Follow the excitement on #AUAMatch and #UROMatch

Results of the Urology Residency Match are closely watched as they can be predictors of future trends in physician workforce shortages and supply. View statistics on the 2021 Match and past Match results.