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From the AUA Secretary: First Diversity and Inclusion Focus Issue of AUA News

By: John D. Denstedt, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS | Posted on: 01 Apr 2021

Last year, the AUA Board of Directors unanimously approved the creation of the AUA Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Task Force, which aims to identify specific and actionable steps for how the AUA can advocate for and foster a diverse and inclusive environment within the association, as well as the global urology community.

I am honored to announce this issue of AUANews as one dedicated to bringing forth the importance of diversity and inclusion within urology. Diversity and inclusion are two interconnected concepts–but they are far from interchangeable, which is why this issue stands to bring awareness to the work we are doing to advance urology and patient care.

There are a few people I want to thank for their hard work on making this D&I issue of AUANews possible. First, Tracy M. Downs, MD, the chair of the AUA D&I Task Force, for his leadership and being an incredible partner for this special issue. Next, I would like to thank the D&I Task Force for their help in generating important content for the publication. Lastly, I would like to thank the authors who contributed articles to this issue. This D&I focus issue of AUANews would not be possible without the work and research of each author and their commitment to such an important initiative.

This focus issue of AUANews is a first step in addressing D&I challenges within urology and advocating for real change and sustainable solutions to advance the specialty in a comprehensive way. Please see the “Take 5” feature in this issue, which gives details on registering for the first AUANews-branded webinar on diversity and inclusion.

As we increase our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we will ensure the future success of both the AUA and the specialty of urology. Please enjoy the first ever diversity and inclusion focus issue of AUANews.