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From the Urology Care Foundation: Global...Diverse...Human...Your Urology Care Foundation

By: Harris M. Nagler, MD, FACS | Posted on: 01 Apr 2021

Humanitarianism is the promotion of human welfare. The goals are noble yet are presented with many, and ever changing, barriers. Witness the impact of COVID-19 on the ability to complete humanitarian missions throughout the world. In 2019, the Urology Care Foundation embarked upon an initiative to support the humanitarian efforts of AUA members and today the Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to developing new ways for reaching, engaging and relating to those throughout the world struggling with urologic conditions and disease, even more so during these trying times.

Our appreciation of the importance of fostering initiatives that strive to eliminate health care disparities led to the genesis of our Humanitarian Recognition Award, which acknowledges and applauds individuals who have demonstrated a sustained and lasting commitment to humanitarianism. The value of the humanitarian work many urologists and health care professionals take part in each year is immense and extends beyond their daily clinical responsibilities and improves the lives of those living in remote, challenged or under-resourced communities. Recently recognized as the inaugural recipient of the Foundation’s Humanitarian Recognition Award, Dr. Catherine deVries exemplifies an individual committed to being a humanitarian. She has dedicated her extraordinary career to improving the care of others around the world. Because of her, the science and delivery of quality urologic surgery has been significantly advanced on a global scale for the benefit of countless patients.

Our recent national experience has graphically demonstrated that efforts to prioritize diversity and inclusion are essential and integral to any humanitarian efforts–efforts to promote human welfare. A more diverse organizational culture brings with it more diversity of thought. This intellectual diversity draws upon different experiences and perspectives–which leads to more creativity and innovation–and becomes more widely embraced as it represents a broader constituency and reaches all those in need of improved opportunities and health care.

The Urology Care Foundation recognizes this need and continues to make strides in its diversity and inclusion initiatives. Each day we embrace novel ways to ensure a future in which the principles of equity and justice are upheld and reflected within our mission. This commitment manifests itself in a myriad of ways: from the Foundation’s diversity initiatives across our research grant programs and supporting new research awards dedicated to assisting young scientists from underrepresented minorities to conduct urologic research, to our translated patient education materials and ensuring our council and committees are equally composed of men and women, as well as racially diverse volunteers. Additionally, the Foundation’s Humanitarian Grant Program will provide funding to support the efforts of individuals and projects that provide direct urologic patient care or education about urologic conditions to individuals and communities in underserved areas, either within the United States or abroad. The new Foundation Humanitarian Grant Program aims to support those who give themselves without expectation of remuneration and provide services to all equally, impartially and cooperatively.

The Foundation is truly global, diverse and committed to fostering humanitarian efforts to help eliminate health care disparities…come join us!