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AUA2021: Forum on the History of Urology

By: Ronald Rabinowitz, MD, FACS, FAAP | Posted on: 06 Aug 2021

Dr. Seuss’s S-E-X, The History of African Americans in Urology, and Venereal Disease and the Battlefield are only 3 of the exciting, educational and entertaining presentations planned for this September’s History Forum at the Annual Meeting of the AUA in Las Vegas.

There will be 14 posters and 21 podium presentations this year. Some of these will be related to the theme of the History Exhibit, Battlefield Urology, located on the Science and Technology Floor, Booth #2028.

In addition to the posters and podium presentations, Dr. Paul Lange will give the annual Bicknell Lecture on the History of PSA in the War on Prostate Cancer, and the Medical Ethics Debate will consider Triage in War–When Economics and Resources are Limited: Allies vs Enemies, Military vs Civilians.

The 2021 Forum on the History of Urology will take place on Friday, September 10 (1:00 pm–5:00 pm, San Polo 3401-3503, Venetian Hotel) and has been approved for 3.5 hours of ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) credit. Join us to learn about the discovery of the genitourinary system, the origins of homeopathy, the Plague doctor and the Pandemic doctor, the forgotten father of urology and AUA Presidential Addresses. We look forward to seeing you there.