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Looking Ahead in 2021

By: John D. Denstedt, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS | Posted on: 29 Jan 2021

FROM THE AUA Secretary

Each new year brings the chance for fresh starts and new, innovative ideas. It's also a time for reflecting on the past year and developing personal resolutions for the year ahead. As with many of you, the AUA has also been diligently working on its own resolutions to implement in 2021, ones aimed at providing beneficial resources for our members.

As Editor in Chief of AUA News, I am excited to share with you some new features developed by our editorial team. This year will showcase new columns in AUA News:

  • Coding Tips and Tricks, focusing on keeping members abreast of the latest coding updates, changes and how-tos. This column will be written by Dr. Jonathan Rubenstein, AUA Coding and Reimbursement Committee Chair.
  • A new column on Ethics in Urology coordinated by Dr. Raj Pruthi.
  • A New Technologies column in which Dr. Bodo Knudsen will share new and exciting tools being used in urology.
  • Out of Office, a new column featuring our members and what they do when they're out of the office, such as special talents, philanthropy, hobbies and more. Any AUA member may contribute to this new column.
  • A dedicated column on the History of Urology, coordinated by Dr. Ronald Rabinowitz, AUA Historian, and the AUA History Committee.

Additionally, authors published in The Journal of Urology® and Urology Practice will now have the opportunity to write for the AUA News Journal Brief , a new content area that gives them a chance to highlight their research published in one of our peer reviewed journals. Furthermore, each month 5 initiatives from across the AUA considered important and impactful for members will be highlighted in a new Take 5 section. This includes such reminders as early bird registration for the AUA Annual Meeting, reading certain articles from our journals and more.

As we have heard many times, 2020 was an unprecedented year. We are excited for 2021, which will be a year full of new offerings and initiatives for you, our members.