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FROM THE SECRETARY Bon Voyage! Safe Travels and See You Soon at AUA2022 in New Orleans!

By: John D. Denstedt, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS | Posted on: 01 May 2022

Welcome to what I have been fondly calling the “airplane issue” of AUANews! This issue gives you a sneak peek at all of the amazing content we have planned for our first in-person annual meeting since 2019. Pack AUANews in your carry-on bag and read up on all we have to offer on the program for AUA2022. You won’t want to miss even a minute of the first-class learning opportunities and events that urology’s most beloved event has to offer.

Our top-notch plenary programming is better than ever, focusing on a wide range of topics and technologies. A Friday panel discussion will focus on “Women in Urologic Oncology: Past, Present and Future.” Another Friday event, moderated by Tracy M. Downs, MD, FACS, will be well-attended: “Survivor Debate: Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Refractory to BCG: Cystectomy, Systemic Immunotherapy, Intravesical Chemotherapy.” A Saturday State-of-the-Art Lecture explores “Single-Use Ureteroscopes and New Technology: What Is in Store?” Also on Saturday, learn all about “How I Do It: Common Urologic Procedures.” Sunday’s programming showcases a panel discussion on “Care for the Transgender/Non-Binary Patient: What Every Urologist Needs to Know in 2022.” A Monday morning highlight will be “Laparoscopic Robotic Surgical Systems—Emerging Systems in Urology Use.” Round out your schedule on Monday afternoon with “Fertility Safety Evaluations Post COVID-19 Vaccination.”

These selections are just a small snapshot of the stellar schedule and speakers the program boasts this year. AUA2022 also offers new clinical guidelines; instructional courses; poster, podium and video sessions; special programming, like the Young Urologists and Residents Forums; and industry programming.

More important than any content, though, is the chance for us to reunite as a community at the premier global urological meeting. In 2020, we made the only decision possible and pivoted the Annual Meeting to a virtual extravaganza, still managing to capture the spirit of our connections and offering the quality offerings our professionals expect. Things were looking good last year until Delta surged and forced us to make a late decision to go virtual yet again. The last 2 years have been filled with disappointment, exhaustion and despair, but despite it all, we moved forward together, continuing to advance the mission of the AUA.

I am grateful to the AUA’s Board of Directors, our outstanding subspecialty societies, the AUA staff, this year’s speakers and instructors, and every individual who is contributing their time and efforts to the success of this meeting. It has been my honor and privilege to work with all of them to ensure the success of this important meeting.

I also thank each one of you for your unfailing support of the AUA and our meeting. Most of all, I thank you for your dedication to your patients, to each other and to this community. The AUA is stronger than ever, and I cannot wait to celebrate our many accomplishments together in person this month. I hope to connect with as many of you in person as I can during the meeting. I have always looked forward to this meeting as the event of the year, but after 2 years without it, it will be more special than it has ever been before.