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WHAT I LEARNED FROM DR DENSTEDT: John Denstedt: A Friend, Colleague, and Fellow Canadian

By: J. Curtis Nickel, MD, FRCSC, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada | Posted on: 06 Apr 2023

Dr John Denstedt is stepping down from his spectacularly successful tenure as AUA Secretary. He should be proud of his many accomplishments in the most challenging role within our organization. John and I are contemporary Canadian urologists, working at universities situated west and east, respectively, of Toronto, who decided long ago to set our sights beyond our national borders in an attempt to forge an impact on international urology. While my path took the route of minor positions in our Northeastern AUA Section, the American Board of Urology examination committee, scientific and publishing committees of the AUA culminating in the position of Editor of AUA Update Series, John’s rise through the ranks was more spectacular. On his way to the position of AUA Secretary, he worked his way up to President of the Northeastern AUA Section, becoming a member of the AUA Board of Directors, while picking up a Gold Cystoscope along the way. Our path intersected at many international meetings, in particular the Urological Research Society and the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons. More times than not, I would meet John at some international airline lounge, me with my small overnight bag heading to some obscure meeting while John was burdened with crates of medical and endoscopic equipment as he headed off for live surgical teaching sessions. John is an exceptionally talented teacher and surgeon, and he has used these skills to improve endoscopic stone surgery worldwide. A distinct and fond memory was sharing a glass of wine with 2 very young urologists discussing the future of world urology at the Urological Research Society meeting in Bordeaux in 1999 (see Figure). Who would have known that Professor Chris Chapple and Dr John Denstedt would eventually successfully lead their respective organizations, Chris Chapple as Secretary General of the European Association of Urology and John Denstedt as Secretary of the AUA, through some of the most difficult times in their history. John Denstedt was the best person to shepherd our organization through the turbulent COVID-19 era. I know that the advice and support he showed me in that position were not unique as he openly shared his time and expertise to help fellow AUA members become better urologists. Now that he is retiring from his position, and as a friend, colleague, and fellow Canadian, I would like to wish him the best. I hope he can slow down a bit and enjoy time with his wife Caroline on their spectacular country estate outside London, Ontario. But I also know that we have not heard the last of John Denstedt. John will not fade into the sunset.

Figure. Two young men in Bordeaux, France, in 1999 discussing the future of international urology. Over 2 decades later, Professor Chris Chapple and Dr. John Denstedt were destined to successfully lead their organizations (European Association of Urology and AUA, respectively) through some of their most turbulent years.

