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DIVERSITY The FUTURE in Urology at the AUA 2024 Annual Meeting: Shaping the Future of Urological Workforce

By: Larissa Bresler, MD, DABMA, Loyola University, Maywood, Illinois Hines VA Hospital, Illinois | Posted on: 14 Aug 2024

As the US population ages, there is a growing need for urologists. Our workforce has been projected to have a 46% shortage to meet the needs of our population by 2035.1 Mentorship is an integral part of attracting students to our specialty, and the AUA is committed to fostering pipeline efforts affirming a strong, vibrant, and diverse future urological workforce.

Riding on the success of the AUA 2023 inaugural FUTURE (Future Urology Talent from Under-Represented Entities) in Urology event, the 2024 annual meeting (AM) welcomed its second in-person FUTURE in Urology program on May 3, 2024, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Center in San Antonio, Texas (Figure).


Figure. FUTURE in Urology program participants at the AUA 2024 annual meeting.

The AUA AM FUTURE in Urology event is an in-person program that is part of a much larger comprehensive incubator platform aiming to augment the urology pipeline by equipping those underrepresented in medicine, those underrepresented in urology, and students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds with tools to achieve their career aspirations. These tools include effective mentorship, networking, and skills development. The program has several elements, including virtual and live events, a resource library, and incubator efforts to foster other established US urology grassroots and pipeline programs.

The FUTURE at the AUA AM event kicked off with a live orientation on Friday morning, where each mentee was paired with an experienced mentor who guided the student through the AM programming and planted seeds to cultivate an ongoing mentor/mentee relationship. The program also provided opportunities to network with other students and experienced surgeons, develop longitudinal relationships, and cultivate diverse interests in our specialty. Participants were introduced to the clinical practice and research aspects of our specialty and engaged students in the AUA philanthropy efforts by participating in several Urology Care Foundation events.

The FUTURE program welcomes medical students and urology providers and trainees from all demographic backgrounds who are dedicated to increasing representation and more equitable health care. The virtual element of the program uses the UpSquad e-platform and app, which developed a strong following among US and international students and mentors (Table). The platform expanded to include 504 users (162 mentors and 342 mentees) since its inception in November 2023 and holds online roundtables with leadership, live mentor/mentee interactions, one-on-one mentor/mentee meetings, research collaborative pods, and squads of various affinity groups consisting of like-minded AUA members. As such, the FUTURE in Urology program is excelling at bridging the gap between aspiring urologists and experienced professionals by fostering an ecosystem of learning, collaboration, and growth. The platform is not restricted to just students; it also promotes mentorship and individual growth opportunities for all AUA members who join. The virtual platform houses a library of resources helpful to both mentor and mentees, including links to articles, podcasts, interviews, “5-minute leadership consults,” helpful tips from the program directors, and much more.

In summary, the AUA FUTURE in Urology is a first-of-its-kind comprehensive international mentorship, incubation, and leadership platform that has been embraced by mentors and mentees alike. The 2024 AUA Annual Meeting FUTURE in Urology in-person event was an unquestionable success. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is grateful to the AUA and Urology Care Foundation leadership as well as the esteemed FUTURE program mentors for securing a bright FUTURE in Urology.

Please read the article by Choi et al for FUTURE program mentees’ feedback.2 

  1. McKibben MJ, Kirby EW, Langston J, et al. Projecting the urology workforce over the next 20 years. Urology. 2016;98:21-26. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2016.07.028
  2. Choi IW, Meyer KG, Cabrera M, et al. The FUTURE of urology is bright. AUANews. 2024;29(8):000-000.

Table. Future in Urology Mentorship Program and UpSquad Mentors/Mentees Statistics

Event Number of events conducted Year Targeted number of mentors/mentees Number of mentors/mentees participated
1 FUTURE in Urology Mentorship Program at AUA annual meeting 2 2023 • Mentors 50 • Mentors 50
• Mentees 50 • Mentees 40
2024 • Mentors 50 • Mentors 50
• Mentees 50 • Mentees 70
2 FUTURE in Urology Mentorship Program at AUA Annual Urology Advocacy Summit 1 2024 • Mentors 15 • Mentors 17
• Mentees 15 • Mentees 19
Number of UpSquad mentors/mentees interaction sessions with AUA DE&I committee chair/CDO conducted Year Number of mentors and mentees on UpSquad as of 05/31/2024 Number of mentors/mentees participated during interaction sessions with AUA DE&I committee chair/CDO
UpSquad updates 3 2024 • Mentors 162 Session #1: 25 Mentors and mentees
• Mentees 342 Session #2: 40 Mentors and mentees
• Total 504 Session #3: 41 Mentors and mentees
Abbreviations: CDO, Chief Diversity Officer; DE&I, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; FUTURE, Future Urology Talent from Under-Represented Entities.

