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SPECIALTY SOCIETIES JUA2024: Turning Point of Annual Meeting of Japanese Urological Association

By: Yoshihiko Tomita, MD, Congress President, JUA2024, Niigata University School of Medicine, Japan | Posted on: 17 Jul 2024

The Japanese Urological Association (JUA) Annual Meeting was held at the Pacifico Yokohama in Yokohama, Japan, from April 25 to 27, 2024 (Figure 1). This was the second JUA annual meeting where all slides and posters were in English. The number of accepted abstracts was 1383, of which 98 were from overseas. There were 62 sessions of symposia and workshops, and 3 special workshops (Figure 2) were organized. The number of registered local participants was 6145, and 202 overseas participants participated in enthusiastic discussions at each venue (Figure 3). Dr Aseem R. Shukla (AUA Associate Secretary), Dr Jaspreet S. Sandhu (AUA Associate Secretary-Elect), and Dr Stephen A. Boorjian (AUA speaker) gave their splendid lectures among the 30 overseas invited and special lectures. The JUA-AUA Joint Symposium was also popular and full (Figure 4).


Figure 1. AUA scholars Drs Koo and Singla.


Figure 2. Virtual reality seminar for endourology.


Figure 3. Leadership of the Japanese Urological Association and AUA. From left to right: Drs Sandhu, Tomita, Shukla, Eto, and Mitsui.


Figure 4. Dr Boorjian at the Japanese Urological Association–AUA Joint Symposium.

In addition to the scientific program, there was a Presidential Dinner on Wednesday, a Fun Run on Thursday morning and an International Party in the evening, and a performance by Convention Chair Dr Tomita to showcase the scent and taste of Niigata, his hometown, as well as the Niigata-Furumachi geisha event on Friday. The JUA Nights featured a performance by the Japanese taiko drumming group “Kodo” (Figure 5) and dancing by the Furumachi geisha (Figure 6), followed by a variety of dishes using Niigata ingredients and several specially brewed sakes. Exhibition booths were open to the public throughout the event. Special Niigata ramen, onigiri rice balls, Niigata craft beer, sake, and other Niigata specialties were also sold at the exhibition booths throughout the event.


Figure 5. "Kodo," a Japanese Taiko drumming group.


Figure 6. Furumachi geisha.

Next year’s event will be held in Fukuoka. We look forward to seeing you there!

