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AUA ADVOCACY AUA Advocacy Summit 2024

By: Lan Anh Galloway, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Kate Dwyer, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee | Posted on: 20 May 2024

This year’s AUA Advocacy Summit took place in Washington, DC, from February 26 to 28, 2024. In these videos, Drs Kate Dwyer and Lani Galloway, urology residents at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and members of the Executive Committee of the AUA Policy and Advocacy Resident Work Group, interviewed various participants at the summit. Interviewees included Keynote Speaker Dr Lindsey Herrel, former Holtgrewe Fellow Dr Ruchika Talwar, current Advocacy Resident Work Group Vice Chair Dr Kara Michel, outgoing AUA Public Policy Chair Dr Eugene Rhee, and first-time summit attendee and panelist Dr Casey Seideman.

