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Section and Specialty Meetings: Northeastern Section Meeting

By: Badar M. Mian, MD, FACS | Posted on: 06 Aug 2021

Dear friends and colleagues, It is my privilege to invite you to the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Section of the AUA that will take place on September 3–5, 2021 in Montréal, QC. The meeting venue is the iconic landmark of Montréal, The Hotel Bonaventure, with its 2.5 acres of landscaped gardens perched atop a 17-story complex (figs. 1–3).

The meeting will take place around the Labor Day weekend. It is a great opportunity for you to bring your family along for a mini vacation in Montréal. The hotel complex is connected to the underground city and is within walking distance to countless attractions ranging from world-class restaurants to modern art exhibits and historic neighborhoods of the old quarter dating back to the 1600s.

Our 10-member program committee, led by Dr. Charles Welliver, has developed a robust scientific program. A full range of urological topics will be covered by leading speakers from Canada and the United States. The meeting will start on Friday with practice updates on electronic medical records, and billing and coding. The session on andrology and infertility includes discussion of controversial topics in male infertility and sexual dysfunction during survivorship. The session on urothelial cancers features talks and panel discussion ranging from intravesical therapies to immune-oncology and nonsurgical options.

The pediatric urology session will lead off the lineup on Saturday with a historical perspective on the specialty and an update from the Societies for Pediatric Urology urinary tract infection task force, followed by discussion of challenging cases. The talk on “Optimization of Self (How to Coach Yourself)” by Dean Tripp, PhD will be followed by a discussion by an expert panel on how to improve and assess surgical education. The Retroperitoneum session will highlight recent advances in systemic therapies for kidney cancer and the role of extended lymphadenectomy in genitourinary cancers. The afternoon sessions will include discussion of reconstructive and female urology focusing on mesh, strictures and trauma. The AUA Course of Choice on Urodynamics will be presented by Dr Craig Comiter, followed by lectures on lower urinary tract dysfunction by Dr. Kevin McVary and Dr. J. Curtis Nickel. The day also features one of our highlights, the Slotkin Lecture, to be delivered by Dr. Peter Pinto.

Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.

The last few hours on Sunday morning are dedicated to endo-urology, and benign and malignant conditions of the prostate. The discussion on updated guidelines and new technologies for benign prostatic hyperplasia will be followed by point-counterpoint discussions about ureteral stone management and update on percutaneous nephrolithiasis. To conclude the meeting, we will have a robust session on prostate cancer including debates on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging-targeted prostate biopsy and focal ablative therapies. Dr. Jay Raman will discuss the pros and cons of transected and transperineal prostate biopsy, which will be followed by an all-star expert panel discussion on early and advanced prostate cancer.

Not to be missed are the sessions featuring the young and the brightest amongst us! There will be 6 poster sessions, 3 resident debates, 3 Resident Prize Essay finalist presentations and 2 Section Research Star presentations interspersed throughout the meeting.

The committee is working to finalize a fantastic social activities agenda for some fun and relaxation while networking with colleagues. The Fun Night is planned for Friday night and the President’s Reception and Banquet will be held on Saturday night. The details of these activities will be available soon.

So please plan to join us in Montréal over the Labor Day weekend. Bring along your family, co-workers and trainees, and enjoy a stimulating scientific program in the fabulous city of Montréal!