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Section and Specialty Meetings: SUFU 2021 Annual Meeting at the AUA - Guidelines Applicable to SUFU

By: Jaspreet S. Sandhu, MD; Blayne Welk, MD | Posted on: 06 Aug 2021

The Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) would like to welcome you to our program entitled “Guidelines Applicable to SUFU,” which will be presented at the 2021 AUA Annual Meeting on Friday, September 10 (12:30 pm–4:35 pm) (Zeno 4701-10 [Level 4], Foyer East).

This exciting program was created under the direction of the SUFU executive committee, with Dr. Eric Rovner, MD being the primary liaison, and will focus on AUA Practice Guidelines which were either created through a formal partnership with AUA or are used commonly by SUFU members. As most of you know, the AUA publishes approximately 30 practice guidelines under its Science and Quality division. These guidelines are managed by the AUA Practice Guidelines committee, whose previous chair, Dr. Peter Clark, will give an overview of the guidelines process to start our program.

While there are other guidelines being created through a partnership between AUA and SUFU, this program will focus on 5 current guidelines of great interest to our membership. These guidelines are “Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Neurogenic Overactive Bladder (OAB) in Adults,” “Surgical Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence,” “Adult Urodynamics,” “Incontinence after Prostate Treatment,” and “Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women.” Each section of the program will be dedicated to one guideline and will focus on timely topics, which will be discussed though a debate or case presentation format by SUFU guideline panel members, young SUFU members and other experts.

The first guideline, “Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-Neurogenic Overactive Bladder (OAB) in Adults,” will be introduced by Dr. Sandip Vasavada who will then moderate 2 debates: one on the use of beta-3 agonists as first line therapy and another on optimal third-line therapy. Participants in these lively debates will be Drs. Sara Lenherr, Michael Chancellor, Doreen Chung, and C. R. Powell.

Next, we will hear from Dr. Kathleen Kobashi who will introduce the “Surgical Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence” guideline and then moderate a debate on the management of recurrent stress urinary incontinence after mid-urethral sling, and will include Drs. Ekene Enemchukwu and Anne Suskind. This will be followed by a debate surrounding the safety of synthetic slings moderated by Dr. Rena Malik and include debaters Drs. Anne Cameron, William Reynolds, and Ariana Smith.

“Adult Urodynamics,” a “named partner” and the original motivation for our society, will be presented by Dr. Alan Wein. This topic will be illustrated through the use of cases to highlight the use of urodynamics. Participants in this part of the program will be Drs. Howard Goldman, Richard Lee, and Chris Winters.

One of our newer guidelines, “Incontinence after Prostate Treatment,” will be introduced by Dr. Kurt McCammon, who will then moderate 2 debates. The first one will focus on the timing of radiation therapy in men considering anti-incontinence surgery after prostatectomy and will include participants Drs. Brian Linder, Polina Reyblat, and Jaspreet Sandhu. The next debate will discuss the role of urinary diversion and will pit Dr. Melissa Kaufman against Dr. Alvaro Lucioni.

Finally, Dr. Jennifer Anger will present the guideline entitled “Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women.” She will them oversee discussions regarding 2 common topics. The first one will be on the role of non-antibiotic measures for recurrent urinary tract infections and will feature Drs. Lenore Ackerman and Bilal Chughtai. The last topic of the day will be the role of long-term antibiotic prophylaxis in these women, and will be presented by Drs. Nitya Abraham and Toby Chai.

We hope you can join us for these informative sessions which highlight and demystify AUA practice guidelines that are driven by our society and frequently used by SUFU members.