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With New Imaging Software, Should Stone Volume Be the True Measure for Urolithiasis Research?
By: Tim Large, MD | Posted on: 05 Oct 2021
The prevalence of stone disease in the United States has been estimated at 8.8% with an annual cost of $3.79 billion.1 A recent publication, assuming increases in population size and stone prevalence, estimated a continual annual increase in cost of $1.24 billion per year through 2030.1 It is not surprising that technology surrounding the planning and execution of surgical treatment of nephrolithiasis is evolving to simplify and expedite stone removal to meet the increasing demands of stone disease.
Traditionally, the most common measured outcomes after nephrolithotripsy have included stone-free rates, postoperative pain scores, rates of sepsis and septic shock after surgery, operative time and, more recently, procedural costs.2 Emerging now, however, as urologists are pushed to treat more disease, is a greater emphasis on surgical time stone clearance time, and lithotripsy potential is emerging as urologists are pushed to treat more stone disease.
Additionally, the current spectrum of surgical approaches has become expansive. Ureteroscopy alone can be done with or without a sheath, as a dusting or basketing procedure, with standard or pulse-modulated holmium or thulium fiber lasers. For percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgeons are adjusting patient positioning, sheath size, number of accesses, and most importantly lithotripters. Lastly, while external shockwave lithotripsy has had fewer advances, it is the workhorse for stone treatment and has an exciting contemporary in burst wave lithotripsy. Despite the explosion in surgical options, the guidelines are rigidly aligned with the greatest stone diameter in their recommendations for surgical approaches,3 having many downstream effects–one example being the contentious point of physician compensation discrepancies that exist for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (50081 vs 50080) and ureteroscopy (52356).4
Quantifying stone burden is a critical element from a surgeon’s perspective5 and along with stone location is considered a major preoperative predictor for treatment success. The obvious pitfall with using stone diameter to estimate stone burden is highlighted in an editorial by De Coninck and Traxer.6 They illustrate that a “20 × 20 × 20 mm stone (4,189 mm3) is 16 times larger than a 20 × 5 × 5 mm stone
(262 mm3), which is equivalent to an 8 × 8 × 8 mm stone (268 mm3).”6 The glaring difference in stone burden between these 2 hypothetical 20 mm stones would likely be appreciated, radiographically, by the treating urologist and an appropriate surgical approach selected to render the patient stone-free. The academic interest in accurately quantifying stone burden is intensifying as increasingly more trials emerge comparing surgical approach and lithotripters. This is exemplified by a recent publication demonstrating that a difference in stone clearance rates between the Trilogy (1,220±1,670 mm3/minute) and Shock Pulse-SE (770±680 mm3/minute, p=0.054) systems appeared only after controlling for total stone volume calculated with novel imaging software.7 This study was a straightforward comparison of 2 ultrasonic intracorporeal lithotripters, but perhaps more interesting would be the comparison of the extremes such as dusting a 5,000 mm3 stone with ureteroscopy and pulse modulated laser technology versus standard percutaneous nephrolithotomy with a novel lithotripter. These types of studies answer interesting clinical questions that have real world application for the practicing urologist, but a fair comparison starts with total stone volume as the metric for stone burden.
There are several software applications currently available including, but not limited to: qSAS (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,, 3DSlicer (Boston, Massachusetts, and MATLAB 9.1 (Natick, Massachusetts; see figure). 3DSlicer is a free application while qSAS has a licensing agreement specifying its use for academic purposes. There are limitations to these applications. They typically require axial Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images only with thickness ranging from 1–5 mm. They are semi-automated software applications that require human stone or kidney tracings to calculate stone number, volume and density (Hounsfield units). Additional limitations include the lack of validation trials for these advanced software packages and studies demonstrating equivalence to hand traced stone surface area for predicting stone free rates after surgery.8 Nevertheless, there is a growing interest in the application of these software adjuncts highlighted by Ventimiglia et al in a recent publication proposing 2 novel lithotripsy metrics: stone ablation (Joules/mm3) and ablation speed (mm3/second).9 Characterizing stone burden and complexity has been a primary focus for academic and clinical practice demonstrated with simple metrics like stone diameter to more comprehensive grading systems like the Guy’s stone score. The importance of reliably reporting stone burden has never been more apparent, and as stone volume software becomes fully automated and vetted with validation trials we should expect to see stone volume become the research standard for quantifying stone disease.
- Antonelli JA, Maalouf NM, Pearle MS et al: Use of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to calculate the impact of obesity and diabetes on cost and prevalence of urolithiasis in 2030. Eur Urol 2014; 66: 724.
- Wymer KM, Sharma V, Juvet T et al: Cost-effectiveness of retrograde intrarenal surgery, standard and mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy, and shock wave lithotripsy for the management of 1-2cm renal stones. Urology 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2021.06.030.
- Assimos D, Krambeck A, Miller NL et al: Surgical management of stones: American Urological Association/Endourological Society guideline, PART I. J Urol 2016; 196: 1153.
- Rosevear H: High-powered lasers and the need to rethink the wRVUs for stone procedures. Urology Times, October 2, 2020.
- Zetumer S, Wiener S, Bayne DB et al: The impact of stone multiplicity on surgical decisions for patients with large stone burden: results from ReSKU. J Endourol 2019; 33: 742.
- De Coninck V and Traxer O: The time has come to report stone burden in terms of volume instead of largest diameter. J Endourol 2018; 32: 265.
- Large T, Nottingham C, Brinkman E et al: Multi-institutional prospective randomized control trial of novel intracorporeal lithotripters: ShockPulse-SE vs Trilogy trial. J Endourol 2021; doi: 10.1089/end.2020.1097.
- Tailly T, Nadeau BR, Violette PD et al: Stone burden measurement by 3D reconstruction on noncontrast computed tomography is not a more accurate predictor of stone-free rate after percutaneous nephrolithotomy than 2D stone burden measurements. J Endourol 2020; 34: 550.
- Ventimiglia E, Pauchard F, Gorgen ARH et al: How do we assess the efficacy of Ho:YAG low-power laser lithotripsy for the treatment of upper tract urinary stones? Introducing the Joules/mm3 and laser activity concepts. World J Urol 2021; 39: 891.