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Section and Specialty Meetings: Society of Women in Urology at the AUA

By: Elizabeth Timbrook Brown, MD, MPH | Posted on: 03 Sep 2021

The Society of Women in Urology (SWIU) Board of Directors is excited to announce that we will be having our annual AUA breakfast meeting this year in person. It will be held Sunday, September 13, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.

During this time, we will have our annual SWIU Award Presentations, where we will present the Christina Manthos Mentor Award, Elisabeth Pickett Research Award, SWIU/SBUR (Society for Basic Urologic Research, Inc.) Award for Excellence in Urological Research, SWIU/Intuitive Robotic Research Scholar Award and the Outstanding Resident Award. Dr. Linda McIntire will also be giving us an update on the R. Frank Jones Urological Society as we continue to collaborate to promote diversity in urology.

The remainder of the morning will be spent networking with friends and colleagues. This last year has been quite difficult, and many of us missed seeing our fellow urologists. With the absence of these interpersonal interactions, we would like to spend the morning exemplifying our mission to support the professional advancement of women urologists, encourage public education regarding urological issues and promote urological research.